AMC MCQ Exam Experience.

After 3 months of intense preparation for the AMC part 1 exam, It was finally the day where I had to put all my hard work in to work. Even if you have studied for years and know everything you need to know for this exam, your mentality during that 3 hours will decide your final result. So here I am sharing my exam experience.

The day before the exam, by 3 pm in the afternoon I finished all my revision. I decided not to open books after that or go on facebook to find how the exam was for other candidates. I knew I would panic if I did that. I watched a movie and went to bed by 9pm at night. That was the only night I slept that early after 3 months.I prepared 2 ID's and the placement letter to take to the exam and checked how long it takes to reach the venue to make sure I arrive there at least one hour before the starting time.

On the exam day morning I was just as stressed as anyone else would be. This exam will decide your future, I know that but that's exactly why we should try to keep calm to give our best shot at the exam. I had breakfast, left home.I was listening to Music until I reach the venue. I reached there 1 hour before. When you go to the examination center, you will see other very nervous fellow candidates. My advice is, Please don't try to discuss the answers or theories with anyone. Because if you find anything you don't know during that discussion, what will happen to the self confidence you built. Just know that you have done your best and there's nothing you could've done different. So have faith, Trust yourself.

When you go to the exam center, Staff will do the registration process. You will only need your ID, nothing else. After the registration process is completed you will be taken in to a computer room, you will be given a board to write and a marker pen. Exam Center is very quiet and no disturbances. There will be assistants to help you with everything you need.

Now let's get started !! A staff member will come and log you in to the exam. You will get around 3 questions to get familiar with the system, they wont give marks for those questions. When the exam starts don't panic. Plan how much time to allocate to each question.After every  30th question I checked how long have I spent. Timing can be seen at a corner of your screen. Some questions will be familiar to you, if you have done recalls. But please read the question from the beginning  to the end with all the options. I read each question twice before answering. Mark the answer and move, you can flag the questions if you want to review it later. I flagged the answers I wasn't sure of, and at the end of the exam I reviewed flagged questions first. Then I reviewed all 150 questions again. Trust me, when you start doing the exam your stress will slowly go away, you won't even have time to be nervous. Have a clear mind, write down in your board what you need to correct or change when you review. Even though I flagged some questions, at the end I decided not to change my answers. I believed my first instinct was right. Don't worry about the time, time will be enough if you manage it properly. Don't spend too much time in one question because you always can flag it and review at the end of the exam.

This is how my exam went, AMC doesn't want you to fail, they have made every condition to help you to pass. Be organized, have a positive attitude, Trust your gut & Give it your best shot. You guys can do it.

My next blog will be about how I planned my next step while I wait for the results. Cheers !!


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